Fiction Inferno: The literary magazine that burns you up

Fiction Inferno

Premier Issue 1:001

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elcome to the premier edition of Fiction Inferno: The Literary Magazine that Burns You Up. We're off and running with three speculative fiction stories that we hope will generate some steam. Please feel free to look around. Read whatever you want. Recommend us to your mom. Send us bizarre and abusive emails. Write a story of your own. Don't smoke in an oxygen-rich environment. Buy American if you want, just not the cheese. But most of all, don't be afraid. Spontaneous Human Combustion is really fairly rare....


Monster Island
by Richard D. Slay

Of course the monsters will eat you--that's what they're there for.... An odd little tale that answers the question, "What if those old Japanese movies were really documentaries?"

Bring Good Things to Life
by Jane Gwaltney

Water, water everywhere--but nothing's what you think in this chilling tale of guilt, good intentions, and redemption run amok.

Pound of Flesh
by Max E. Keele

Strength of will alone can deliver you beyond most temptation--but what will it take to get past an obsession for perfection?


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©2001 Max E. Keele